Moving on.
We have endured some seriously intense weather here so far this year and I'm glad to hear local people say it's "unusual" because if it's like this every year, I'm not sure it's much better than Chicago's hellish winters!
We started off with not one but TWO ice storms, the second one being far worse than the first. I have never seen ice fall from the sky for such a duration. Our entire yard was a skating rink. Every single thing was wrapped in a hard casing of ice.

The tree limbs sagged down under the weight of the ice and when the wind came, the ice encasing the branches shattered into little tube shapes. The next morning the yard looked like it had been decorated with clear sprinkles.

Can you guess which way the wind was blowing?

Once the ice finally melted, we ended up with a very soggy yard. Mud, mud, everywhere made worse by all of the dirt filled trenches we have zig zagging through our yard. My sister came to visit and got her car stuck in the mud - and managed to paint our mom's car (parked next to it) with mud as she spun her wheels trying to get out. A tow truck was the only thing that could wrench her free.

That was yesterday. Overnight, a massive thunderstorm came through with heavy rains and added insult to injury. We woke up this morning to discover we owned lakefront property!
As a reference, here's the view from our porch:

And here is the view today:

That teeny tiny ditch that had nothing but mice running through it all summer...

Now takes up an awful lot of real estate:

Here are the sewer pipes that run under the road, they are ALMOST totally covered.

Our woods are now swampland.

Let's end with a Moosicle: