Though it's not done yet, the kitchen really has come a long way.
Just to remind you of the ugliness, the way it started:
After re-flooring and repainting, Dave ripped out the countertops the day before Home Depot was scheduled to come install our new countertops. About a half hour after he finished, the phone rang. It was Home Depot calling to say because of the storm (I swear this town shuts down at the mere mention of snow) they would have to reschedule.
So as the snow piled up on the broken up countertop pieces and old kitchen sink...
...we lived without countertops for a week.
Except one square of plywood Dave brought in for me so I could use the crock pot.
So our new countertops became the kitchen floor for that week. Crouching down on the floor to microwave something got old fast.
But it was all worth it because now we have nice new NON-TEAL countertops. Behold:
And a fabulous new sink and faucet:
We plan to paint the cabinets white and put in a kitchen island but who knows when we'll get to that. Whenever we do....I'll post the update!
In other news, Dave rented a bobcat to move around the massive amount of dirt we have from all our fall digging/trenches/construction.
He spread around the giant pile of dirt that came from the hole that was dug for the addition.
He used it to rip some tree roots out too.
And lastly, we end with a Moose before and after....the Christmas tree