We have received so many great things from family and friends for the baby in recent weeks.
First off, I bought a large patchwork fabric in Ghana on our honeymoon but it needed to be finished with a back and edge. My mom took it home and made a quilt out of it and it came out so NICE! It's so colorful, I know the baby will love staring at it. It has soft brown fabric on the back with silk edging.

We also received this blanket that is so cute:

Another gift I have been squealing over is a TINY TINY pair of baby jeans AND jacket. I put a sharpie next to them so you can tell how small they really are.

I think just baby pants in general are adorable because they are SO SMALL....see:

Lastly, today I bought a onesie and because I swore I wouldn't buy any baby things till the baby was born, I'm going to say this one was from Moose. Also, I've noticed this blog seems to always end with something about moose and this entry will be no exception.

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