While digging that trench, he severed an electric line to the utility pole so he dug another trench from the barn trench to the utility pole. I went out and bought him the electric cable he needed and that Sunday (this was the last Sunday before the baby was born) we worked in the dark, refilling the trench with dirt. Then comcast showed up Saturday and said we needed yet ANOTHER trench from the utility pole to the house (the one we'd JUST filled in!) so Dave dug it up, laid conduit and we now sit waiting for Comcast to come back and FINALLY hook up our house to the internets!
Here's Dan and Dave working the trencher:

Our 2 month saga with Comcast will (supposedly) come to an end tomorrow when they show up, lay the cable in our newly unearthed trench and hook it up inside. I am not holding my breath though.
Dave works his butt off but has a really cute baby to unwind with:

Moose is not taking the new baby news so well. He's not interested in me or the baby, save for a few licks to the face. He's only known me as a pregnant lady so I wonder if he is unsure what happened to me now that I don't have a giant belly. He's not bothered by crying but he chooses to just stay the heck out of the way. On our very first day home I plopped down in the glider and he laid under me, unsure of what to make of our long absence and this new smelly thing we brought home with us.