Dave filled in cracks in our chimney (I think he just likes climbing around on the roof). Our next project is to hire someone to sweep the inside of it so we can use it this winter.

Our contractors dug out the old fence post at our entrance for us and Dave attempted to break up the cement in order to get it down to a manageable size so he can haul it away. Unfortunately, a large piece flew up and cracked him in the head, requiring 3 stitches. Here's the way the post has been left since that day:

He poured a ton of concrete and set the new post and put up new fence with the help of his dad. The fence now holds back Mooses. Or is it Moosii? Whatever, we only have one so it's a moot point.

The entrance to our property is now totally cleared of weeds and brush, thanks to Dave and his trusty chainsaw. I helped him load up the trailer several times, until I got tired and walked back to the house to sleep. Doesn't take much to wear me out these days.

The tree on the right hand side of that photo above is pretty much dead, though it still has leaves, so go figure. Someone clearly tried to cut it down at one point and quit. Check it out:

We took a canoe trip own the White River this weekend using Dave's grandfather's old canoe. We first had to buy a roof rack for my car:

One thing that makes me laugh about the canoe is the water skiing girl decal on the front of the canoe. Water skiing. On a canoe. What the heck? I still love the decal though.

The river was very low because we've had very little rain. Dave had to get out and push us over a rock a few times. But all in all it was a nice ride. We saw lots of cranes and a couple deer families. Photos from our trip:

Just watching him lift the canoe all by himself makes my back hurt. But he swore it's not that heavy. I did help carry it down to the river and I can tell you it's HEAVY!

Lastly, our master bathroom is finally totally done! To remind you, here is BEFORE:

And now...some "in progress" photos

And now AFTER

Ending on a Moose note, here's just a nice distinguished photo of our handsome boy. He's gained some weight lately so he's now on a diet again (fatty). He and I had a "moment" today after he got a thorn in his paw and I had to wrestle our 90 pound dog to the ground to get it out.

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