Shortly after Clark was born, he was treated like any other baby in the ward. Aunt Suzi and Uncle Dan came to visit the night after he was born and that's when the doctors started to notice he was lethargic and shaky. As awful as it sounds I didn't think anything of it - I assumed all babies were this sleepy right after birth.

Turns out his blood glucose numbers were really low and kept dropping all day. So they admitted him to the NICU and everything went from normal to weird for me. I wasn't feeling very mobile but I managed to shuffle to the NICU every 3 hours for 3 solid days. It wasn't easy nursing a baby with tubes all over him and a big cushiony barrel on his arm covering his IV.

Looking around at the other babies in the NICU, I realized that things really weren't so bad for Clark. I watched a mother come in and touch her baby through a hole in a plastic incubator and that was all she could do. By the last day, they allowed him to be wheeled to my room to nurse. Every time I'd wheel him back, I stared down at this sweet little face.

Sunday, I knew I was going to be released to go home but Clark's discharge was another story. I waited on pins and needles all night Saturday and all morning Sunday, waiting to hear if his test results were in. Thankfully, he was dong so much better and was good to go! We brought a monkey outfit to bring him home in just because it was funny to say we went to the hospital and came home with a monkey. He had to be checked in his car seat by the nurse and he didn't enjoy it one bit.
Angry monkey:

The hospital sent us home with a birthday cake for Clark so we had a little birthday party for him once we arrived home.

Here we are looking tired as heck:

Grandma and grandpa came to stay for a while and Clark had a great time sleeping in their arms:

My sister also came to visit her new nephew:

That week he had his first doctor's appointment which went very well. Dave's just excited because our doctor also likes ron paul (notice the shirt)

Clark did this pose all by himself, I swear. It makes me laugh.

And lastly, there was a very happy dog greeting us when we arrived home that needed some attention. Dave found he was a pretty good footrest:

Wow, just reading about the lady only being able to touch her baby through a hole in the plastic made me tear up. We had to do the visiting the nicu every three hours too, and I just took pics of Colton in that cheeky monkey costume today (never got it on him for Halloween and he almost can't fit into it).