He was visited by Grandpa:

who made Clark these awesome shirts:

And one of his GREAT Grandmas (he has two):

Four generations!

He was also visited by Grandma:

I know he's going to hate me one day for making fun of his cross eyed stare but come on - it's funny. I call him cross eyed Pete. (Also, it's totally normal for all you non-baby folks.)

OK, OK here he is NON cross eyed:

Also, here's a photo I just love too much not to put on here. (I promise, the house renovation stuff is coming back very soon)

Moose still isn't enamored with Clark but he's started to understand that 1) it screams and 2) I make it stop screaming. If I fail at point #2, Moose is on the case. I was upstairs earlier this week, and Clark began crying in his swing. I looked out from the loft window and saw Moose running back and forth from the swing to the stairs. By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs, Moose was there, very frantic and quickly walked me over to Clark's swing and stared at me like "hey - this thing's crying, make it stop, will ya?".

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