Thursday, September 9, 2010

The addition begins!

Lots of stuff going on this past week!

Dave took on the task of installing new ceiling fans way up on the vaulted ceiling. The box said "five minute fan" which was a joke. Why even bother with such lies on the packaging?


OK this has nothing to do with home improvements but we have these GIANT grasshoppers around the yard, some up to 4 or 5 inches long. I like this picture I took of one that seemed to be checking out his own shadow on the side of our pole barn:

DSC_0245 - Version 2

We FINALLY got our building permit this week so construction can now begin on the addition to our house! Step one was digging the foundation:


Speaking of holes, Moose has been doing some excavating of his own, though we suspect he never obtained a permit.


He does the lab "point" a lot around the property, then furiously digs away. I keep waiting for him to flush some creature out that I'll have to dodge.


Very soon: Bathrooms and baby's room photos! They're ALMOST done!!!

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