First, let's start off with my favorite room - the baby's room!
Here's how it looked when we bought the house - teal blue and purple walls with unpainted trim and gross berber carpet:

We repainted it green and white with new hardwood flooring. Because of some leaking from the bathroom upstairs, the ceiling had to be torn out and replaced:


Guest bedroom - started out with the same gross, stained berber carpet and really dark brown walls.


Guest Bathroom:
Started out with not so bad paint colors, a small pedestal sink and laminate flooring with little roses on it. We changed all the bathroom hardware from chrome to brushed nickle, which if you are not remodeling a home means nothing to you. But it's one of those little things that makes a big difference.


Moose end note: The poor dog has been under the weather the past few days. Not sure what's going on with him but he's been a little mopey and...let's just say I'm thinking of changing his name to RALPH. Hopefully he'll feel better soon and be back to his old self.

Everything looks so great! I especially love the baby furniture. We'd love to visit you and meet your new addition once s/he's here and you're all settled!