(looking from right to left)

It never occurred to me that Dave and I never actually set foot on a very large portion of our land...until I could SEE all of our land.

That's just what you can see from our front porch. Beyond that we had an entire acre or more of tall weeds - so here is BEFORE

Same area AFTER

I don't have a before picture of this area because I could hardly get to it before but this is looking the opposite direction of the photo above. It was ALL tall weeds and small trees.

We had a house warming party (during which I took zero pictures - d'oh!). Everyone had fun racing our go kart around the property - so much so that Dave's friend Andy bought himself one to keep at our house.

Dave's been building a laser timing start/finish line as well. No, I'm not joking. See?

I added a few things to the nursery. I have 18 days left before my due date. I'm feeling gigantic but I'm still in no hurry to have this kid come out. It can stay in and cook a little longer.

It's fall! Though our trees are so dry I'm not sure the leaves are going to turn colors, I think they may just go from green to brown and fall off. Here's our Moose with some tiny pie pumpkins and Dave's new table saw in the background.

The nursery looks so cute!!